

Wow! It’s been a long time since I’ve blogged. What can I say? Life happens, and it’s certainly been keeping me busy! SInce I’ve last posted, we’ve celebrated our 5th anniversary, I’ve returned to work, we’re halfway through our Women’s Study, celebrated my sister’s birthday, took the kids to a pumpkin patch, carve pumpkins, celebrated Hallelujah Night at church, and celebrated Natty’s birthday! WOW!

I promise to post some updated pictures of the kids in a couple days. We have Natty’s 4th birthday party on Saturday, so there’ll be plenty of pictures in my next post.

For now, here’s the run down:

Olivia – She’s a few days shy of 4 months old now. She is our sunshine. This girl wakes up HAPPPY! I could not have asked for a better baby. She is the most content little girl. She just melts my heart. She loves sucking on her hands. Not quite sure if we have a thumb sucker yet, she’s found it a couple of times. Can’t decide what color her eyes are yet. Somedays they look really dark blue, others they look brown. She is just gorgeous!

Nathan – Our bright and energetic 2 year old. Nathan always holds a very special place in my heart. He is my cuddle bug and lovey boy. He certainly keeps us on our toes, but I love every minute of it. His speech has really been growning the past month or so. He speaks almost always in clear and correct sentences now. He loves all things CARS, Spiderman, Dinosaur Train, and tormenting his older sister. 🙂

Natty – Our beautiful 4 year old is just growing way too fast! She’s still in gymnastics and doing great. She loves tumbling and swinging on the bars. She’s also very excited to be starting school this upcoming fall. I can’t believe I’ll have a kindergartener soon! She’s also in the Christmas program this year at our church and has been having a blast learning her routine.

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